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Open Hours:
א'- שבת 12:00-24:00

Review for קנטינה

By Dario It is debatable whether Italians are the most entitled clients to review an Italian restaurants abroad. While our competence on the subject is beyond discussion, we tend to be too severe about adherence to our home standards and miss the whole picture. "Cantina" is a refined restaurant, with nice waitresses full of kindness and good will; cooking is on good Mediterranean standards as far as fundamentals, like tomato sauce and clams, are concerned: but here, as in many other places like this, the point where most non-Italian cooks miserably fail is the cooking time of rice and pasta, which is invariably too long. None the less, recommended - at least for non-Italians! "La cantina" would sound a more correct name.
Food: Ok
Service: Very Good
Atmosphere: Very Good
Design: Ok
General Impression: Ok