The Lighthouse

We seem to have forgotten all about the dating scene. What does it mean to be in love or pretend to be in love at a pick up bar? And since we longer found the grace in those places, we were looking for an alternative, not as crowded as a bar, still a little jollier than a restaurant or café.

We seem to have forgotten all about the dating scene. What does it mean to be in love or pretend to be in love at a pick up bar? And since we longer found the grace in those places, we were looking for an alternative, not as crowded as a bar, still a little jollier than a restaurant or café. And we found it.

The Lighthouse resides in a beautiful stone structure in the midst of ancient Jaffa. It is decorated with intimate caves, inside each one soft, inviting sofa chairs. A rare combination of intimate, quiet atmosphere and great world music. Perfect for dates still fitting long lasting couples.

At 10 pm the first cocktail coming from the bar marks the beginning of our night at the Lighthouse. It's based on strawberry, banana and Pina Colada, and even I, not a huge fan of alcohol since I got married, find it delicious. My partner orders Feigling, and from this moment onward, life is beautiful. The waitresses keep on serving cocktails all around, while we try to understand the Spanish talk by the couple next to us.

Of course, we had to eat something. So we hit it off with roasted eggplant in Tehina, house pizza with salty cheese and olives, a plate of delicious cheeses and vegetables – all in all it's a corruption that we love.

Once we were done with all this food we relaxed for a while with some mint tea. Yes, there comes a time in one's life when mint tea becomes preferable to beer. We then ordered chocolate soufflé; I'll never get too old for that. It was baked on the premises, and the hot lava inside it was pouring against the cold ice cream and frosting.

As we were licking the remains of our soufflé we lingered for a while. One hour later, we stepped out to enjoy yet another Jaffa night.