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Open Hours:
א'-ש': 9:00 עד אחרון הלקוחות

Review for הבנק

By linda Great dinner! We ate at Habank relatively late in the evening last summer. The menu was quite varied, and the food was beautifully prepared and extemely high quality. The chef is really top notch. Everything was fresh and delicious, from the fresh-baked bread, to the grilled eggplant with tehina, to the sushi-grade tuna steaks, to the rice, to the vegetables, and everything in between. I wish we could have sat in the garden, but there was smoking and we had to sit inside. But it was pretty hot anyway, and we were grateful for the air-conditioning. We would recommend this restaurant highly.
Food: Great!
Service: Great!
Atmosphere: Very Good
Design: Very Good
General Impression: Great!